Senin, 04 Februari 2019

Tech Knowledge Is Power


TomcasterWorld - SILICON VALLEY'S imagination has become our world's reality, as tech companies continue to re-engineer the human experience in remarkable ways. But the light speed at which we're traveling has created a blur, as neither lawmakers and regulators can keep up.

When it comes to big data, automation, robots and machine learning, for instance, change happens almost daily, and the learning curve is steep. Millions of people across this country are sitting in the dark on some of the most critical issues of our day because the "magic" behind these technologies – that magic being engineering – is a foreign language. That needs to change, lest we all become pawns of Silicon Valley and witnesses, rather than participants, to our governance.

Just as economics became the language of the masses in the wake of the 1980s economic boom and Wall Street craze, it's time more Americans acquired a base knowledge of this new world. More of us must learn to speak engineering – and we need to start learning this language now.

For decades, the world of engineering felt like an unreachable plane, an area of study limited to highly trained people who solved problems the rest of us couldn't begin to comprehend. That has fed an unhealthy complacency in which citizens are oblivious to the details of how things like geolocation and big data actually work, blindly trusting that it's all on the up and up.

Then something like Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal happens, and the next time we order from Amazon we're nervous about how our personal data is stored in the cloud, who controls that data and who else can access it. Or a self-driving car kills a pedestrian, and we begin to doubt the possibility of autonomous transportation – and feel intimidated by how to vote on legislation that addresses safety regulations for these vehicles. Slowly but surely, people start to fear the engineered world around them and the power of what it might do and become.

A recent Pew Research Center poll found 72 percent of Americans trust tech companies "to do the right thing" only some of the time or hardly ever. Even so, we're allowing these seemingly untrustworthy players who are recoding and mapping our children's future to do so without our understanding or buy-in. When we're expected to simply trust, and not equipped with some basic knowledge of engineering principles needed to verify the information, our society will suffer for it.

It doesn't have to be this way if American colleges and universities begin to teach the core ideas of engineering principles to the masses. As our world is re-engineered, more people need to learn how engineers analyze, design and operate. Engineering concepts such as "modular design" and "feedback control" can become part of citizens' vernacular, just like "inflation" and "trade deficit" from economics. Sure, it's interesting. But it's also integral to daily life.

As the dean of one of America's preeminent engineering schools, I'm not advocating a complete makeover of college curricula. But I do believe a base understanding of certain big ideas would begin to give people the oars to navigate technology's rapids. A glimpse of how encryption for privacy works, or an effort to demystify the cloud, or a whiff of context around machine-learning algorithms could make technology more accessible and something to embrace rather than fear.

Thanks to advanced capabilities and lower prices, the worlds of technology and engineering permeate our everyday lives today more than they did 10 or even five years ago. This leads to faster adoption – but also more confusion over gadgets and related policies that affect our privacy, safety and health. Our federal, state and local representatives are regularly asked to comprehend this world and the decisions that impact it. As citizens, we should have the ability to participate in the debate that will impact our lives and our children's lives. The tug-of-wars over net neutrality and 5G deployment are recent examples that made the headlines, provoking curiosity but probably not comprehension for many.

The model that in a single generation changed the cultural understanding of economics needs to be adopted for engineering. Doing your part to bone up on today's technology is about the present, but it's more about our collective future. We can no longer bury our heads in our smart phones and trust that everything will work out just fine.

Minggu, 03 Februari 2019

5 Benefits of Fruit Juice for Your Stamina

5-benefits of your stamina-juice

Healthyfruit - Fruit juice is very fun, easy to make and gives all the nutrients your body needs. Consuming natural foods such as fruit and vegetables, according to nutritionists, can improve brain function, help reduce weight, build the immune system and help the body fight various diseases.

We don't always have time to cook vegetables or make fruit salads, but fruit juice doesn't take long. This is the reason why drinking fruit juice is very good for health, as reported by the You Queen page, Friday (06/22/2018)

1. Improve the immune system and brain power

A weak immune system can make your body susceptible to illness, such as fever, coughing, and runny nose. Fruit contains vitamins that can boost the immune system, so drinking fruit juice can be an option to stay healthy.

3. Make sleep better

Jobs that accumulate sometimes make us always obsessed with completing them even though the break time has come. So, for a moment, forget about all the work and try drinking fruit juice so that you sleep better.

4. Increase body energy

The body's lack of energy can inhibit work concentration, try consuming fruit juice before starting activities to increase the body's energy.

5. Helps to lose weight

When you are on a diet, of course you have to eat healthy food and avoid foods that can make you gain weight as much as possible. Fruit juice can be a substitute for food, so we will feel full. This drink is highly recommended for those who are carrying out a diet program.

Healthy Food For Pregnant Women Good For Healthy Fetus, Can Be Tried At Home


When a woman is pregnant, of course the mother must be responsible. This means you don't need to share nutrition and food with your baby through you, but also food and nutrition additions for you to improve the development of the baby in the womb for nine months of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, food and maternal stamina must be required. Second trimester and third trimester. Pregnant women need up to 300 calories a day. Incorrect eating or lack of nutrients during pregnancy will have an impact on the development of the baby.

It's just, of course, important to meet the various nutritional needs of different types of food. For example, folic acid participates in avoiding congenital defects, calcium and protein for the formation of body tissues and baby bones, and iron to help red blood cells carry oxygen to the fetus.

The following healthy foods for pregnant women who summarize from various sources on Friday (12/28/2018).

List of Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women
1. Milk-based foods and drinks

Healthy food for pregnant women is the first food or drink made from milk. Dairy products, especially yogurt, are the right choice for those of you who are pregnant. You can also consume milk and cheese regularly.

Milk can help meet the needs of protein and calcium for the mother and fetus. While probiotic milk products such as yogurt can help reduce risk during pregnancy.

2. Nuts

Healthy food for the second pregnant woman is nuts. Soybeans, peanuts, beans, and peas are the types of nuts that can be used as a source of folic acid, fiber, protein, iron, and calcium that the body needs during pregnancy.

Nutrients are very important for maternal and fetal health, especially in the first trimester. Folic acid, protein, and calcium can prevent the risk of some birth ailments and diseases in babies compilation is born. Read too SHEPAPERIE BLOG.

3. Sweet Potato

Healthy food for the next pregnant woman is sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are one of the healthy foods for pregnant women that contain vitamin A. Well, vitamin A is very important for cell and tissue growth in the fetus. When pregnant, women generally agree to increase vitamin A intake by 10 to 40 percent of their daily needs.

However, intake of vitamin A is not too much, because it will cause poisoning. Vitamin A in vegetables and tubers is important for cell growth and development in a growing fetus.

4. Salmon

Healthy food for pregnant women is salmon. Salmon is a source of animal vitamins that must be made healthy food for pregnant women. Salmon contains important omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which are important for brain and eye development in a growing baby. Salmon is also a natural source of vitamin D that is good for mother and baby.

However, pregnant women should consume salmon that is cooked until cooked. Don't eat raw salmon, like sushi or sashimi. Immature fish meat is at risk of contamination with various types of bacteria that endanger fetal growth.

5. Eggs

Healthy food for pregnant women that is nutritious and easily available is eggs. Eggs are good for increasing overall nutritional intake. In addition, in eggs there is also choline, which is an essential nutrient for brain health and fetal development.

6. Broccoli and other green vegetables

Healthy food for pregnant women is broccoli and green vegetables. Broccoli and green leafy vegetables, usually contain lots of nutrients needed by pregnant women. These food sources also contain fiber which can help prevent or treat constipation.

Nutrients are contained among other vegetables such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium. Also, be aware that broccoli and vegetables contain antioxidants that are beneficial for the immune and digestive systems

7. Meat

Healthy food for pregnant women is meat. Beef, fish meat and chicken are high quality sources of protein. In addition, meat contains substances that contain important minerals that are used by red blood cells. Red blood cells are important for delivering oxygen to all cells in the body.

Therefore pregnant women need more iron, because their blood volume also increases during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. However, meat can be a healthy food for pregnant women if it is ripe until it is fully cooked and in a hygienic way.

8. Drink lots of water

Healthy food for pregnant women who are obliged is water. Water is one of the things that must be consumed during pregnancy. Because the blood volume of pregnant women will increase to 1.5 liters. Therefore, it is important to maintain good body fluid balance.

Symptoms of mild dehydration in pregnant women include headache, anxiety, fatigue, mood disorder, and forgetfulness. Drinking enough water is important, because blood volume increases during pregnancy. Drinking enough water can also help prevent constipation and urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

Processing your own food is one way to maintain the quality and health of ingredients that enter the body. The following is a guide for prospective mothers to prepare their own healthy food for pregnant women:

Wash all vegetables and fruits that will be cooked so that they are clean of the remnants of the soil which can contain toxoplasm.

To avoid contamination (such as campylobacter, salmonella, and E. coli), separate storage of raw food, especially meat, with ready-to-eat food in the refrigerator.

Use a different cutting board to cut raw meat for the same reason above.

Cook the meat until it's completely cooked. Look carefully until it leaves no red color, especially for meat that is still coated with skin. Likewise when cooking eggs.

Wash your hands and all kitchen utensils used to cut and process raw meat.

Know and avoid certain types of harmful foods for pregnant women such as raw food and liver.

4 Healthy Snack Foods For Pregnant Women

Following is a list of healthy and practical snacks to be consumed by pregnant women every day and easy to get:

1. Coconut water

Pregnant women need more than three liters of water a day during their pregnancy, where the volume of water flows in the blood of the mother and fetus.

Besides mineral water, coconut water is a good and good choice because it contains natural electrolytes such as potassium which supports blood circulation to be more smooth.

2. Yogurt

The content in yogurt such as protein, calcium, and probiotics can build bacteria that support the immune system, glucose levels in the blood become healthier to the digestive tract.

The constipation that a pregnant woman feels is a common thing during pregnancy, by consuming yogurt will help the mother to smooth her digestion.

3. Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon are very good for the baby's brain and eyes. If pregnant women consume these foods mothers will get the benefits of vitamin B and protein.

Salmon which is also low in mercury which can affect the baby's nervous system will be safe for consumption, compared to other fish. Try by baking salmon or adding to your salad. Consumption of safe salmon as much as 12 ounces (maximum) per week.

4. Kinds of berries

Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are delicious fruits that can be added to your breakfast menu or your dessert such as cereal or pancakes.

Berries packed with vitamin C, potassium, folate, and fiber will provide a myriad of health benefits for mother and fetus.